Free to Be

Written in 2019, "Free to Be" focuses on the landmark case, Weinberger v. Weisenfeld (1975). This case opened a new legal door for women in the U.S. Spearheaded by the voice of Ginsburg, "Free to Be" combines the words of many strong, empowered women who have achieved things people said could never be done due to gender biases and the traditional patriarchy. The trumpet joins these empowered voices, mimicking the syllabic rhythm of important phrases, such as Ginsburg’s title phrase “free to be.” I am grateful for the voices of the women included in this piece (Chimamanda Adichie, Angela Davis, Mo’ne Davis, Janet Guthrie, Nancy Lieberman, Megan Rapinoe, Sally Ride, and Malala Yousafzi) and to the many others who continue to promote equal rights for women. May RBG and her strong, tenacious spirit live on through their voices.