"Listen!" was written for the Planchette Quintette and illustrates the lack of attention that is paid to historically underrepresented groups. The piece is based on various rhythmic interpretations of the phrase “Listen to me!” The phrase begins strong and forte, but as the piece progresses, “society,” slowly covers the phrase, manifested by less accenting and a disjunct theme. As the voices realize they are being silenced, they cry out “You’re not listening” at the climax of the work, in a last attempt to be heard. However, they are, once again, drowned out by the voices of “society” until the opening theme becomes nothing but a knocking, rhythmic figure. This work serves a reminder to myself and the audience that there are thousands of people who are not considered or heard by the larger population, simply because they are a smaller percentage, and sometimes, we must listen; the size of the voice should never constitute the size of its value.