you’re not you

Miranda Campbell’s writing is full of rich language and evocative images. To me, this passage emulates the “stream-of-consciousness,” sometimes non-sensical, inner dialogue I often have with myself. The interplay between the flute and voice primarily represent that conflicted internal dialogue, while the guitar and violin primarily function as timbral manifestations of the poetic images.

In my interpretation, the narrator is contemplating the earth and its “sylvan hillside” in contrast to the “mounds of asphalt” and “worm-ridden pavement,” almost as though the “you” the narrator is referring to is the Earth she no longer recognizes. In the last line, the narrator realizes that she, and those around her, contributed to the destructive images she’s been pondering. I attempted to musically illustrate Campbell’s evocative images while maintaining a sense of the dream-like, surreal state that often accompanies our inner-dialogue. I encourage the performers to find their own interpretations of this evocative text.  

Performed at the 2021 Walden Creative Musicians Retreat by Alice Teyssier, Mazz Swift, and D.J. Sparr

Text by Miranda Campbell

you're not you.

fisted gourd.

yet can't you feel it in your liver?

sole. to the feather.

traipsing. trepidation.

o, perverted salivation.

and, bleached, shorn, tithed, radiant- deep below the emperor of all stones. lashes kiss the pavement, touch its teeth,
empty sediment. balearic. bacchanalian.



with clemency.

you, you're not you, you're the lead and alloy rain embedded in your diaphragm.

solecism solipsism.

illusory sylvan hillside.

you, you're not you, not anymore you're not, you're ruptured, flowing almost sonorously onto the worm-ridden pavement, you're pooling under fine italian leather as frenzied, overworked men dodge volley after volley in their futile effort to save you.

mounds of asphalt, languishing in their demulcence.

you, you're not you, you're what makes everyone's soles all porous. you're the god damned diaspora, you are. you're us. you're too many of us.